AWU Upcoming Meeting and Events


The AWU Impact 2024 initiative focuses on leveraging breast cancer awareness to drive both social and economic empowerment. Here's an expanded view of its key components:

Economic Empowerment:

  1. Skills Training: Empowering survivors and affected individuals through skill development programs or vocational training, enabling them to gain employment or start their own businesses.
  2. Financial Assistance: Offering financial aid or micro-loans to survivors or families dealing with breast cancer-related expenses. This could involve partnerships with financial institutions or microfinance organizations.
  3. Entrepreneurial Support: Providing mentorship, resources, and guidance to individuals interested in entrepreneurial ventures, especially those impacted by breast cancer, to create sustainable livelihoods.
  4. Advocacy and Policy: Advocating for policies that support breast cancer survivors in the workforce, such as flexible working hours, healthcare benefits, and anti-discrimination measures.

Impact Measurement and Collaboration:

  1. Data Collection: Implementing systems to track the impact of the initiative, such as the number of individuals reached, successful outcomes, economic changes, and improvements in healthcare access.
  2. Collaboration and Partnerships: Partnering with government bodies, NGOs, healthcare institutions, and corporations to amplify the initiative's reach and effectiveness.
  3. Long-Term Sustainability: Developing strategies to ensure the initiative's sustainability beyond 2024, possibly through fundraising efforts, community engagement, and institutional partnerships.

Awareness Campaigns and Media Engagement:

  1. Media Outreach: Utilizing various media channels—social media, television, radio, and print—to disseminate information, share success stories, and encourage participation and support.
  2. Celebrity and Influencer Engagement: Collaborating with public figures and influencers to amplify the message and engage a wider audience in supporting the cause.
  3. Creative Campaigns: Launching creative campaigns or events to engage communities and draw attention to both the cause of breast cancer awareness and the economic empowerment initiatives.

Global Impact and Expansion:

  1. Scaling Up: Exploring opportunities to expand the initiative's reach beyond its initial scope, potentially partnering with other organizations or adapting the model for different regions or countries.
  2. Sharing Best Practices: Documenting the successful strategies and best practices developed during the initiative to share with other organizations working on similar causes globally.

The AWU Impact 2024 program embodies a holistic approach to addressing breast cancer awareness while also empowering individuals economically, aiming to create lasting and meaningful changes in communities.

For more other information, click here.


AWU Upcoming Meetings and Events

🌟 Exciting Events Ahead: AWU Impact 2024 🌟

Join us on an inspiring journey of empowerment and awareness! At AWU, we're thrilled to unveil a series of impactful events under our flagship initiative, AWU Impact 2024. Brace yourself for a lineup that promises to change lives through the power of breast cancer awareness and economic empowerment.

Stay tuned for updates, mark your calendars, and be prepared to be part of a movement that's not just about raising awareness but also about creating tangible, lasting change. Join hands with AWU as we pave the way for a future where empowerment and awareness go hand in hand, transforming lives and shaping brighter tomorrows. #AWUImpact2024 #ChangingLivesTogether

Watch this space for event announcements and details on how you can be involved! Together, let's make an impact that resonates far beyond the present moment. 💫🎗️



  •  March 3, 2024 - (General Meeting) Hosted by Zone 1 Time 4:00 PM-7:00 PM (Picture Day) - For location and more details, contact us at here.

  • April 7, 2024 - (General Meeting) Hosted by Zone 2 - Contact us here for location and more information.

  • June 2, 2024 - (General Meeting) Hosted by Zone 3 - Contact us here for location and more information.

  • August 4, 2024 - (General Meeting) Hosted by Zone 4 - Contact us here for location and more information.

  • October 6, 2024 - (General Meeting) Hosted by Zone 5 - Contact us here for location and more information.

  • December 1, 2024 - (General Meeting) Hosted by Zone 6 - Contact us here for location and more information.


  • October 19, 2024 - AWU Fundraiser - (Serbian Social Center)

  • December 27, 2024- Igbo Festival 2024